


Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, Krakow

East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation, Oakland, CA

Kohler Library, Madison, WI

London College of Communication

Louisiana State University, Hill Memorial Library and Print Workshop Archives, Baton Rouge, LA

Polish Fulbright Foundation, Warsaw

Southern Graphics Council, Kennesaw, GA

Tongue River Artist Residency, Dayton, WY

University of Connecticut, Printmaking Department, Storrs, CT

University of Wisconsin, Printmaking Department, Madison, WI




Tongue River Art Residency, Dayton, WY


McCanna Artist-in-Residence Program, McCanna, ND

Jentel Artist Residency Program, Banner, WY



Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT




San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: SECA Art Award Nominee

Fleishhacker Foundation: Eureka Fellowship Nominee



University of Connecticut, Master of Arts: pre-doctoral fellowship



University of Connecticut, Master of Arts: tuition waiver and graduate assistantship



University of Connecticut, Master of Fine Arts: tuition waiver and graduate assistantship



Istituto Italiano di Cultura: tuition waiver for Università per gli stranieri di Siena 




In Light of Color, Lyet Gallery, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA

The Cup Show 2, Space Ten Gallery, Hawthorne, CA


The Great Gatsby, Nicolaysen Art Museum, Casper, WY

The Artist’s Dealer: Stephen Headley at Three Quarters of a Century, Pacifica, CA, Curator: Alan Chin

The Cup Show, TAL Gallery / Space Ten Gallery, Hawthorne, CA

Mobile Monument Project, Associazione Cultural Spiazzi, Venice, Italy


littleSCULPTURE Show, The Kaneko, Omaha, NE


Tongue River Artist Residency, Gallery on Main, Dayton, Wyoming

The USPS Art Project, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY and Ely Center of Contemporary Art, 

New Haven, CT (collaboration with artist Alejandro Rubio)


A Fond Farewell, San Pablo Art Gallery, San Pablo, CA

The 5th Crosscurrents Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan (collaboration with Alan Chin)


With Liberty and Justice for Some, Berkeley Art Center, Curators: Monica Lundy and Walter Maciel

Black and White, Pence Gallery, Davis, CA, Curator: Eileen Hendren


Petite, Morgan Oakes Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Curator: Callie Oakes

Autumn Art Auction, North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, ND

Elegant Simplicity, Nightingale Gallery, Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR, Curator: Cory Peeke

To Be the Void: Sublimity and Contemporaneity, International Cultural Center of Kraków, Kraków, Poland, Curator: Jeff Edmonds

What Cannot Be Said, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA, Curator: Natasha Boas

Linear Paths, NIAD Art Center, Richmond, CA (Solo)



Non-representational Moments: Paintings by Anthony Pinata and Robert Hanson, Vintiq, Alameda, CA

Superfine! House of Art and Design, MADE at the Citadel, Miami, FL, Curator: Ché Morales

Here: The 2015 BAC Artists Annual, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA

The Painting Continues: Paintings by Anthony Pinata, Cricket Engine Gallery, Oakland, CA (Solo)

Uncharted Landscape: Emerging Artists in the Bay Area, Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco, CA, Curator: Yang Wang

Geometric Notions: Paintings by Anthony Pinata and Alejandro Rubio, Cricket Engine Gallery, Oakland, CA

Win Win III, NIAD Art Center, Richmond, CA



Here: The 2014 BAC Artists Annual, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA

Collect!, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA

510 All Stars: Over 50 Top East Bay Artists, Nielsen Arts Gallery, Berkeley, CA



Plinio Alberto Hernandez, Corinna Nicole, Anthony Pinata, and Oree Originol, Nielsen Arts Gallery, Berkeley, CA



Corresponding Views, NIAD Art Center, Richmond, CA, Curator: Andrés Cisneros-Galindo

Inside Out II, San Pablo Arts Gallery, San Pablo, CA



Inside Out, Eddie Rhodes Gallery, Contra Costa College, San Pablo, CA

Annual Members Exhibition, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA



9 x 12 Works on Paper, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Fort Worth, TX

Open Studios, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA

Annual Members Exhibition, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA



Box Art Benefit, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA

Wide Open, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA, Juror: Philip E. Linhares

Faces and Figures, Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Juror: George Rivera

Open Studios, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA

Annual Members Exhibition, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

Vivid Wonders of a Startled Imagination, MCLA Gallery 51, North Adams, MA

Made in California, City of Brea Art Gallery, Brea, CA, Juror: Sarah Bancroft

Anthony Bello and Anthony Pinata, Cricket Engine Gallery, Oakland, CA

Postcards from the Edge: Visual AIDS Benefit, Metro Pictures, New York, NY



Teaching Artists, Studio One Art Center, Oakland, CA

Holiday Arts Festival, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

Box Art Benefit, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA

Circus Show & Other Atrocities, A Bitchin’ Space, Sacramento, CA

The Third Crossing, Hygienic Art Galleries, New London, CT, Juror: Jeffrey Anderson

Fifty-Fifty, Artspace Windham, Willimantic, CT (Traveling)

Small Works, d.Art Gallery, Easthampton, MA



Cultural Identity, Sofia Press Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria and Alexey von Schlippe Gallery, Avery Point, CT

Members' Showcase, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

Fifty-Fifty, Artwell Gallery, Torrington, CT (Traveling)

64th Annual, Slater Memorial Museum, Norwich, CT

Anthony Bello and Anthony Pinata, Cricket Engine Gallery, Oakland, CA

Exquisite Corpse Portfolio, Fine Art Academy, Krakow, Poland



Six of One, William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT     

Six of One II, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Double-Sided Print Exchange, Southern Graphic Council Conference, Madison, WI

Disconnect the Dots, Dew Art Gallery, New London, CT             

Regional MFA Exhibit, Mass. College of Art, Boston, MA  

Pinata Brothers, Cricket Engine Gallery, Oakland, CA

Human Pixel, Damien B. Art Center, Miami, FL

$.99 Show!, Boontling Gallery, Oakland, CA



4th Annual Arches Print Show, 808 Gallery, Boston, MA, Juror: Joann Moser      

62nd Annual, Slater Memorial Museum, Norwich, CT    



MFA Introductions, Arena Gallery, Storrs, CT        

Jumping Off, Basement Gallery, Davis, CA        

Art Gym, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA             

Relief Prints, Omega Gallery, Davis, CA             



Open Studios, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA            

Box Art Benefit, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA

Nine Days, Cricket Engine Gallery, Oakland, CA            

Art Gym, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA            

Annual Members Exhibition, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

The d-project, UC Davis Art Department Lobby, Davis, CA    

The Body and the Ghost, Painted Tongue Press, Berkeley, CA    

Documentation, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA

California Fine Art, California State Fair, Sacramento, CA, Juror: Suzanne Adan



Works in Black and White, UC Davis Basement Gallery, Davis, CA



2017–Present Brian Wall Studio and Foundation, Archivist

2011–2015 Oakland Museum of California, Project Coordinator, Exhibitions

2009–2011 Oakland Museum of California, Technical Specialist

2009–2011 Richmond Art Center, Facilities Manager and Exhibitions Assistant

2009–2011 Alameda Adult School, Italian Instructor

2004–2008 University of Connecticut, Graduate Student Instructor and Teaching Assistant

2004–Present Private Italian Tutor



2006–2008  University of Connecticut, Master of Arts, Italian

2004–2008  University of Connecticut, Master of Fine Arts, Printmaking

2000–2004  University of California, Davis, Bachelor of Arts, Studio Art and Italian